
Growth of Ecommerce Industry


Statistically speaking, global e-commerce rose from 15% of total retail sales in 2019 to 21% in 2021. It now sits at an estimated 22% of sales, as per Morgan Stanley.

Let’s examine the other variables that previously existed that led to this growth since half the population assumes that COVID was largely responsible for facilitating the rise of ecommerce growth.

Tools and factors that enhanced the growth of ecommerce :
  • An increase in the use of Smartphones.
  • Convenience
  • Technologies that are widely available
  • Shop from anywhere (breaking down geographical barriers)
  • Retailing Across Channels or Omni Channels

Increase in the use of Smartphones

How many of us are familiar with the term MCommerce? 

It’s shorthand for “Business on the Go” or “Mobile Commerce.” Even since IBM introduced the first smartphone in 1994, the technology has undergone significant refinement and improvement. Back then, it had a touchscreen and email capabilities, among a few other functions. Now that we’ve passed the Millennium and into Generation Alpha, we have smartphones that have essentially taken over our lives or improved the word “ease,” to the point where everyone either already owns a smartphone or has a desire to own one.

With the convenience of these gadgets for shopping, banking, and paying bills, who wouldn’t want to conduct a business, small or big, to sell their products?

Smartphones are the most sought-after devices in the spectrum since they improve user experiences and are designed with “convenience” in mind.


What if you suddenly have a craving for some exotic culinary item, and the only way to satisfy it is to drive all the way to the supermarket? Would you drive there?

Which option would you choose?

The latter is the alternative that convenience introduces into the retail and business spheres, making it the more sensible decision in the modern world. 

The world is now more accessible to alternatives and options than it was before the advent of e-commerce. Our current culture of rapid satisfaction also means that a greater proportion of consumers choose to shop online than in a physical store.

Technologies that are widely and easily available will always be the most convenient option the common man will choose.

Technologies that are widely available

A person will always be drawn to select a preferred method of conducting business because of how simple it is to use technology. The list is endless and includes mobile shopping, bank transactions, scheduling appointments, reviewing test results, and much more. 

Why wouldn’t individuals prefer online retailers to physical locations when we consider some brands that are successful by tailoring their items and using data analytics to personalise customers’ shopping experiences?

Social networking is now the foundation of every successful small business thanks to technology. The accessibility of technology is another reason why voice searches are starting to gain popularity. So why wouldn’t most people return to using antiquated systems of purchasing and selling when technology can relieve strain, save time, and make a company well-known in an instant?

Shop from anywhere (breaking down geographical barriers)

E-Commerce is breaking down geographical and time barriers with the availability of anytime, anywhere options for their customers.

Information is already kept in compartments in the electronic world, making it simple for those who need information to access it when needed without having to wait for a customer service representative or a vendor to receive it.

With the large variety of items being offered by numerous companies, a customer can select one brand over another without feeling self-conscious about their ability to pay for a certain item. Possibly even having to return products from their shopping carts when they get to the cash register. Some people really value the secrecy that online buying affords.

Additionally, having an internet business makes it possible for people all over the world to buy from you or sell you their goods, strengthening partnerships across borders.

Omni Channels Retailing

Customers today desire a multi-channel purchasing experience, therefore by using different platforms to communicate with them, such as emails, websites, chatbots, and so on, businesses are able to provide that. The typical customer who is satisfied with just a few varieties in that store is not an internet shopper. Customers today are famished for options, and if they don’t find what they’re looking for at one store, they won’t think twice about going elsewhere to satisfy their purchasing needs.

Omnichannel retailing increases stores’ accessibility, boosts sales and foot traffic, and incorporates digital touchpoints.


The strategies that we have examined in the pages above only highlight a small number of the elements that have contributed to the explosive growth of the e-commerce sector. By creating a variety of innovations that make life and shopping easier, we have come a long way. Imagine what this way of purchasing and selling will look like in the future.

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