
Simple steps to creating an outstanding eCommerce website

Do you think you need to know coding to make a great website? Well, it is much more than that. What if we say that you don’t even need to know coding to build a successful eCommerce website? All you need is to follow the simple steps mentioned below.

eCommerce websites have several benefits. They not only aid in the growth of your company but also give you a chance to interact with your clients. Nonetheless, a fantastic website creates a fantastic business.

Building an eCommerce website has become simpler with the tools, eCommerce website design and development companies like Ekommerce360, and online knowledge available in the market today. The below-mentioned simple steps would give you an overview of the simple steps you can follow to create a unique website. 

Β 1. An attractive business name goes a long way

It is very important to have a crisp understanding of your business. You should know your audience as well as your business model. It would allow you to come up with a business name that would not only be relevant to your business but also will be attractive enough to catch the attention of your audience. 

The key points you should remember while deciding on a name for your business are:

  • Short names are good for brand recognition
  • Be original with your name 
  • Purchase a domain ASAP
  • Go for the top-level host like .com for your domain

Β 2. Branding is importantΒ 

Branding should be as unique as your brand name. You can either hire a digital marketing agency or you can just Do It Yourself. Nonetheless, you should create a brand people can identify with. All the big companies like Coca-cola, Samsung, Apple, and Starbucks, among others, have great branding strategies which make the public want their products. 

The key points toward a great branding strategy are:

  • Design a great brand logo
  • Come up with an attractive tagline for your brand
  • Be unique in your approach
  • Follow a dedicated color palette and associate that color with your brand
  • Humanize your brand by telling your story, and
  • Be consistent with your brand’s voice

What do you think is more important, having a great branding strategy or just having an attractive name? Comment below.

3. Choose the right hosting platform or eCommerce website design and development company

There are several hosting platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento that could help you in creating a unique eCommerce website for your business. Nonetheless, it would make your work a little tedious. Going with an eCommerce website design and development company like Ekommerce360 would make your work a lot easier and allows you to focus on other things such as designing a content strategy, product strategy, and targeting your market size on several digital marketing platforms about which we will talk further in this article. 

The key points that you should focus on while choosing either the right hosting platform or eCommerce website design and development agency are:

  • It should be able to create a mobile-friendly website or a mobile app
  • Manage the listing of products, sales, and promotions
  • Update dynamic content on the website regularly
  • Personalize customer’s shopping carts for better experiences
  • Develop a smooth checkout page with a reliable payment gateway

Β 4. Strategize your content

An eCommerce website demands much more than just writing SEO-based content. Undoubtedly, SEO-based contents are the backbone of the website but it needs other kinds of content to function as well. Your website’s information architecture is shaped by your content strategy. Consider your content to be automotive, and the information architecture to be the fuel on which it will run. You must be aware of your clients’ needs and the most effective means of delivering material to them. 

Along with blogs, infographics, videos, and images should also be a part of your content strategy. The β€˜Contact Us’ and β€˜About Us’ pages need to be concise and easy to read. They should explain what your eCommerce business is all about and offer a simple and open channel of communication. The organization always reaps huge benefits from creating UX copy or Microcopy. Any digital marketing agency can help you in developing great content or you can Do It Yourself as well. Nonetheless, it would take time and a lot of extra effort. 

Have you ever tried using UX or Microcopy for your website? Let us know in the comments. 

5.Β Product optimization before the launch

Just like categorizing things help you in sorting out your day, categorizing products on your website helps the customers to sort out their wants. It makes their shopping precise and easier. Making them, in return, long-term users of your eCommerce business. You must have an interesting description of every product along with attractive photos which should not only help the customers to understand the product better but should also intrigue them to buy the products.Β 

Once you are done with the product listing with photos and descriptions, you should launch the website and test for errors. Always remember, no website is perfect on its first go. It will definitely require trial and error checks time and again. This is where an eCommerce web developer and a digital marketing agency like Ekommerce360 come in handy.

To sum up

In the end, we can say that building an eCommerce website can be a herculean task. Nonetheless, there are several advantages of eCommerce websites. We all know that building a website is not a want but a need for every business in the digital world. Following these simple eCommerce business tips and brand design tips could help you in making a relevant online presence in the long run. 

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