
Top 10 Ecommerce Branding Guidelines


Branding for ecommerce websites is more than simply a face! It is a lasting impression that your business leaves on those who have engaged with you or have done business with you. 

Branding techniques for Ecommerce :

  • Choose a Target Audience
  • Know your Mission
  • State your Brands USP (talk about brand awareness) 
  • Tell the story of your Brand
  • It’s all in the Name & Logo
  • A Kaleidoscope of colours
  • Make Size, weight, form, structure matter: Typography 
  • Search Engine Optimisation

A Microscope view of the techniques:

Choose a Target Audience:

A Target Audience refers to the particular demographic of customers most likely to be interested in your product or service. As a result these groups of people will view the product you are selling. These groups of people can be determined by a variety of characteristics, including age, gender, location, and interest

How does one choose A Target Audience?

Whilst talk about Who are they? Why do they buy? & How do they buy? Let’s talk about the fundamentals of the reasoning for this. We can argue that categorising customers according to “Geography, Psychology, Demography” helps to understand the needs and wants of customers who are browsing and making purchases. But does this really work? Simple solution, it does, indeed. When defining a target group, compartmentalising that audience enables us to consistently win over the proper kind of clients. Each time.

Know your Mission:

Knowing one’s mission entails clearly articulating the goal and the brand’s purpose in order to attract customers and pique interest in the audience.

Why is having a “clear” mission important?
A “clear” mission statement for your company puts you on an uncomplicated track. The Mission outlines the organisation’s goals and establishes how the company wants its clients to see it. 

It’s very straightforward! 

State your Brand Unique Selling Point: 

The solution is painfully obvious; it is contained in the previous sentence. What motivates a consumer to purchase a product? As a business, one must provide a “Unique” product or explain to customers why the product is special enough to warrant their purchase. 

By identifying a unique selling proposition (USP), you can draw attention to a quality that your competitors might lack. As a result, completing your research and monitoring your market competition helps you stand out and increase your market value.

Here’s a USP that is quite relatable:

The phrase “proprietary eponyms” comes to mind while talking or debating brand awareness. Now, those of us who are already familiar with this phrase may easily illustrate this with an example.

How many of us utter the phrase “place the sandwich in a plastic bag“? or  How many people say, “Put the sandwich in a zip lock“. Though we are aware that a sandwich can be placed into a regular plastic bag, the first thing that springs to mind when we think of storing food in a bag is “Zip lock.”

Therefore, making it more relatable for the end customer. A brand needs to be “out there” for people to know that a company exists. The better the traffic on your company sites, the more the people will know about your business/product. Customer Loyalty and Confidence are just outcomes that elicit positive impacts.  

How does Quality and Price add to USP’s? 

  • Ensuring you use high quality materials in your product
  • Special and talented artisans can distinguish your product
  • Set a pricing that appeals to the demographic of your target market.
  • Customers are drawn in by offers of discounts or free shipping on large orders.

Conveying your unique selling proposition:

  • Content creation
  • Content marketing
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media 

Tell the story of your Brand

The audience determines if the words used and the way a narrative is narrated have an impact. The attractiveness of chosen words varies from person to person. To elicit a universally understandable emotion, the characters, the scene, the plot, and the resolution must all work together

People may relate to your brand by learning an uplifting tale of how it began and developed over time. Build client trust to improve brand awareness once your product or service has captured the attention of the consumer.

Once the basics have been established it is crucial to remember the following:

  • Keep it simple
  • Be true to yourself and your audience
  • Know your buyer/audience
  • An emotional connection is a must
  • Understand their needs via technology
  • Innovate and refine, and don’t stop. 

It’s all in the Name & Logo

Simple, it is YOU out there. You get featured in the SPOTLIGHT!

Taking into account that before deciding to read about your product, the buying audience initially sees a visual representation of your brand or emblem. Make sure the branding or logo commands an online presence.

Any audience is quickly captivated by and impressed by a logo.

There have been countless occasions where a client recalls the favourite brand’s logo or a commercial’s jingle but not the name. It’s not that the name wasn’t significant enough to remember. However, one logo’s colour and design are distinctive enough to stick in people’s minds.

The importance of a strong brand name and logo is highlighted by factors including 

  • Building brand loyalty
  • Making it memorable, and 
  • Making you stand out.

So a brand logo and name are important to keep your business stay ahead or stand out. 

A Kaleidoscope of colours

How does your “Brand image ” alter as a result of a Brand Palette addition?  

How many of us have heard people say she/he has a good personality? Looks alone do not define personality. A personality is distinct due to one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Similarly, a colour palette can add perception, definition and mood into your brand. Let’s explore this further.

Colour Recognition: 

According to a popular belief, the more colour someone sees, the more likely they are to recall those colours. Colours have been linked to attention, memory, and processing speed. So you can see that if someone finds a certain colour relatable, they are more likely to link it to the brand they have seen and are more inclined to research that brand.

Mood : 

A person’s mood can be significantly changed or altered by colour. We can all agree that when one mentions Coca-Cola, the colour red immediately springs to mind. Or when the name Pepsi is mentioned, the colours blue and red come to mind. For a human, colour represents a significant visual experience. In branding and advertising, colours are utilised to draw viewers’ attention towards the product’s attitude and exerting pressure on the decision-making.


The perception of a consumer can be easily changed by using different colour tones or colours for that matter. Because colour evokes memories, it is simpler for customers to recall brands. Utilising colour to convey feelings. Take the movie Inside Out as an example. Even without giving it any consideration, one may quickly understand the significance of the colour characters’ feelings by associating to them. Blue or Red are used to represent sadness or anger, respectively.

Ultimately, while creating a logo, you are undoubtedly attempting to send a message, and most frequently, the business or creator of the logo seeks to evoke positive emotions in viewers of the brand.

Make Size, weight, form, structure matter: Typography 

“Reading is a complex process” as smashingmazine states

People typically don’t focus on every word while they read. As a result of their eyes’ ability to visually select comparable words from which to infer the meaning of what is being said, they frequently skip words.

What Is Typographic Hierarchy?
Typographic hierarchy directs the reader’s attention to the material that is most crucial and away from the information that is just illustrative of the key themes.

These can be classified into 4 options as mentioned by Cameron Chapman a web designer.  

> Weight  > Colour > Contrast  > Case 


Doesn’t receive the credit it deserves when we discuss typography. Colour can be included into its varied palettes to increase rather than decrease the demographic. It can be used as a forefront and a background. 

Weight :

One would like to interact with customers who are visiting your business or purchasing your goods. These kinds of specifications might emphasise the content by using Bold, Italics, etc. Consequently, the reader is informed of the significance of specific textual elements. The client will be able to decide for themselves what information in the text they are reading is important or not.


Contrast creates depth. Adding a contrast to a word or image to explain it demonstrates a different version of the image at hand. By employing contrast, the document appears more fascinating and is easier to read. A simple example would be a “Heading” and a “Sub heading” which would be boring and unacceptable if they both had the same colour contrast and weight.


Lowercase, commonly known as “Case” can be explained as choosing to capitalise the letters or make them appear in lower case. In which case, (pardon the pun) can differentiate the importance of the words.

Search Engine Optimisation

SEO as it is popularly known as the art of enhancing a website to make it more visible to users performing product or service searches.

Why is this important?

Improving SEO’s is more than just using inventive keywords or analysing Google’s first page. It primarily should focus on using words in such a way that a searching customer is immediately drawn to the business website by evoking emotions. Therefore, giving the site a surer hit, the very first time.   

The choice of using keywords should always make your product stand out, whether you choose to keep the words short or long.

Boost Customer Value:

It is when you offer goods and services that persuade a customer that your product is deserving of their attention and money.

Your business will benefit from sales, repeat business, and referrals when a customer finds the product intriguing.


You’ve heard practice makes you perfect. Well, I think practice can take you closer to being perfect. In an evolving world we can set rules for ourselves and our business for that matter. But, staying in a business of any business and your competitor can only happen if the learning and practice is alway continuous.

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